sunday, september 15th 2019
Scala Santa - Trieste (Italy)

(versione italiana)
The Association of Social Promotion SPIZ, in collaboration with the Società Nautica Giacinto Pullino Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica, and with the co-organization of the Municipality of Trieste, will hold an individual time cycling and running competition called “Rampigada Santa.” The event, open to everybody, will take place on Sunday, September 15th, 2019.Article 2 – SOCIAL PURPOSE
The event will take place during the European Mobility Week with the social goal of raising public awareness of Sustainable Mobility and the use of "human-powered" means of transportation in urban areas, showing in an extreme way that "if you manage to climb by bike or on foot up that hill, you can ride your bike or go on foot everywhere".Article 3 – COURSE
The race starts in Roiano (at the intersection between via Villan de Bachino, via Montorsino and via Giusti) and finishes at the end of Scala Santa (intersection between Via Bonomea with the area ex Park Hotel Obelisco), for a total of approximately 2,000 meters length and 326 meters altitude difference (average incline 16.2% - minimum incline 10.8% - maximum incline 20%). The road paving is entirely in porphyry cobbles.Article 4 – PARTICIPANTS
Competitors will be divided into two categories: RUNNERS and CYCLISTS. The category has to be declared at the time of enrolment. Competitors who want to take part in both disciplines must enrol in both of them, taking into consideration that they have to complete the first ascent, regain and go back to the start in order to begin the second ascent. Within the two disciplines, competitors will be subdivided in the following 6 categories, according to their age and gender:CATEGORY
younger than 12 years
born from 16.09.2007 onwards
from 12 to 15 years
born from 16.09.2003 to 15.09.2007
from 16 to 25 years
born from 16.09.1993 to 15.09.2003
from 26 to 39 years
born from 16.09.1979 to 15.09.1993
from 40 to 49 years
born from 16.09.1969 to 15.09.1979
older than 50 years
born before 16.09.1969
Enrolment must be made no later than Thursday, September 12th, 2019, exclusively using the form available on the official website of SPIZ, at the link "8th Rampigada Santa 2019 - Registration". The registration will allow for membership in SPIZ Association of Social Promotion as a Supporting Member (link to the Bylaw of Association). Following the registration, a confirmation email with a summary of the competitor’s data will be sent. Article 42-bis Paragraph 2 of the Law n. 98 of 09.08.2013, it is necessary for the registration to have a certificate of physical fitness, which must be forwarded to SPIZ Association of Social Promotion, no later than Thursday, September 12th, 2019, following the terms given in Article 6 (see below). The athlete who wants to engage in the DUATHLON SANTO, the Rampigada Santa in both disciplines, needs to do a double registration, taking into account the time required to complete the first trial, recover and return to the departure to be able to start in the second race.Article 6 - FEE
The participation fee for the race is EUR 15,00 (fifteen). It will include the race packet that will be handed out to each participant upon completion of the race. The payment of the registration fee must be made online (www.spiz.it) at the end of the registration form, or alternatively by bank transfer to the following account: IT56Q0501802200000011284403 at the Banca Popolare Etica Trieste, payable to “SPIZ Associazione di Promozione Sociale - via Giacomo Matteotti No. 20/A - 34138 - TRIESTE codice fiscale (tax code) 90123670326”. Use the following reference: "8th Rampigada Santa 2019 - Competitor Registration No. ### - LAST NAME and NAME." A copy of the bank transfer and of the certificate of physical fitness must be sent via email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or by fax to +39.040.360753 no later than Thursday, September 12th, 2019. In case the competitor forfeits the race, the fee paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.Article 7 – RACE NUMBERS (BIB)
The accreditation and delivery of the race number (bibs) and microchips to the participants will take place on Saturday, September 14th, from 12:00 to 18:00 at the square in front of the Obelisco, and on Sunday 15th starting at 07:30 until 09:30 on the stand at the start (Roiano). Upon recommendation of the Italian Timekeepers Federation Section Trieste, RUNNERS must wear their race number on the chest while CYCLISTS must wear it on the back. At the end of the race, the competitor must return the race number and chip to the Arrival and Awards desk set up at the Obelisco. Failure to return the microchip will lead to a penalty of EUR 15.00 (fifteen).Article 8 – START and START ORDER
The race will start Sunday, September 15th, 2019 at 10:00:00 am with departures every 30 seconds, according to the order of registration, and without distinction between CYCLISTS and RUNNERS. Each bib number corresponds to a single athlete. Departures are fixed every 30 seconds. Each bib number always starts at the fixed time. The athlete is clocked even if he/she has not reached the start yet.Article 9 – RANKINGS
The Italian Timekeepers Federation Section Trieste will determine the rankings based on the results detected by the microchip. There will be an ABSOLUTE ranking of the categories RUNNERS and CYCLISTS distinguished by gender, as well as category rankings, divided according to gender and discipline. Moreover, a special ranking for competitors taking part in both disciplines will be drawn up, divided according to gender, made up by the sum of the two performance times and called DUATHLON SANTO.Article 10 – AWARDS
The awards ceremony will take place on the square in front of the Obelisco as soon as the rankings will be drawn up. Awards will be given to the first ABSOLUTE winners in both disciplines (1st woman cyclist, 1st woman runner, 1st man cyclist, 1st man runner). Moreover, the first men and first women classified in each category and each discipline will be awarded a prize. Absolute winners WILL NOT be included in the categories rankings. The first woman and the first ma of the special ranking DUATHLON SANTO will also be awarded a prize. Other prizes will be awarded to the youngest and least young among all participants. The last in the rank will be awarded the “Premio Cagoia” (“Snail Prize” in local dialect). A “Special Prize SPIZ” will also be awarded. At the end, for all participants not being awarded any prize, five special prizes will be drawn lots. More details on the prizes of the 7th Rampigada Santa are available at the page Prizes of the 8th Rampigada Santa 2019.Article 11 – ASSISTANCE and REFRESHMENTS
During the race, medical assistance will be guaranteed until the arrival of the last competitor. For all athletes, a transfer of personal bags from the start to the arrival of the race will be offered. The bag has to be labelled by the participants with his/her race number. Delivery of bags will be closed at 09:45 and the vehicle will leave the start area when the first athlete starts (at 10:00:00). In alternative, participants can leave in the start area the clothing they were wearing before the race: these will be collected and taken to the arrival area at the end of the race of the last athlete. At the arrival a refreshment service will be available.Article 12 – DECLARATION OF LIABILITY
When registering to the competition, as laid down in Article 5 of the present Rules, the participant declares to have read and accepted the rules of the event. He/she also declares to be in possession of a medical certificate attesting his/her physical fitness, to have the skills to face the technical and physical difficulties of the race and its course as specified in Article 3 and to accept the rules of the Organization relating to the event in progress. The participant agrees to assume, under penalty of exclusion from the event, a behaviour compliant with the principles of fairness and good sportsmanship during the race and not to violate the laws and terms of regulation with behaviours that would call into danger his/her own or others' safety. The participant is aware of the risks related to the practice of sports and raises the organization and sponsors from any liability, direct or indirect, for any material and non-material damage and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees), which may be derived as a result of his/her participation in this sporting event, also as a result of their behaviour. Finally, by signing up, the participant assumes the responsibility for any injury related to the sport activity in question and relieves the organizers and sponsors from any civil, criminal, or strict liability that results from injuries to him/herself or inflicted on third parties due to events detrimental to one's health – occurring either during the course of the race or in the area where the event takes place – and events associated with pitfalls as well as the use of infrastructure. The participant further relieves the organizers from any responsibility with regard to theft and/or damage to any personal item.
Upon registration, the participant expressly authorizes the organization to use for free, for promotional or commercial purposes, still or moving images, photographs and videos, which were taken during the event, and that show him/her during the participation. The authorization will be valid for the use of the above-mentioned visual materials on all media, including promotional and/or advertising, all over the world and throughout the maximum time allowed by the laws, regulations, treaties in force, including all extension options that may be provided by law.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 “T.U. Privacy Policy” and subsequent amendments, it shall be noted that the information is confidential and for the exclusive use of the recipient and that the signer is solely responsible for the truthfulness, legality, and correctness of the data. SPIZ Association of Social Promotion, “owner” of the data, is required to provide certain information regarding the use of personal information provided on this form. The data processing is done by hand, through computer or telecommunication for the purposes of registration to the race and for communication on future initiatives and ensures the security and confidentiality of the data. By signing this form, the participants allow the processing of their personal data. Please also note that Article 13 of the law gives citizens the exercise of specific rights. By signing this form, the participants authorize the Organization to the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated.