10ª Rampigada Santa 2021
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Rampigada Santa: online version of the climb concluded

The 2021 edition of the Rampigada Santa ended, entirely online, with the participation of many athletes who did not lack the classic "morbin".

For the second year, Rampigada Santa, the time trial of Scala Santa on foot or by bicycle, was affected by the COVID-19 effect, just like the Olympics of the Clanfe, the other major event organized by SPIZ Association for Social Promotion. And so the organizers have again moved everything online, allowing participants to make short videos indulging on any type of ascent, spicing everything up with a strong dose of humor and fun. The victory, in the social era, was established by the sound of likes.
The 27 participants presented videos of all kinds. Some have completely redone the original route accompanied by their dog, others invented their own personal Scala Santa in Barcelona, some used it for a tribute to the tram and there were those who even tried it with the skateboard.
Absolute record for the youngest competitor, Stellan Meinel, one year and three months young, rigorously armed with a safety helmet.
The 3rd Memorial “Jure” Polonio, SPIZ special prize, goes to Claudio Sepin, who has combined his characteristic humor with his excellent skills as a videomaker, producing a video worthy of the Oscar.
The other special prize, the Morbin prize, goes to Gianfranco Pacco and the nice pug Sole, authors of the beautiful parallelism between the effort along the climb of Scala Santa and ... the more comfortable sofa at home.
As it happened for the Clanfe Olympics, the 2021 edition of the Rampigada Santa is won "in the family", by mother and son. In fact, the most voted were Emanuela Greblo and Matteo Vascotto, who climbed together the very steep climb to the Castle of the island of Procida, very similar to the original Scala Santa, to admire the beautiful view of the Gulf of Naples. In the family also the victory of the SPIZ Combined, which rewards the best classified between the Olympics of the Clanfe and Rampigada Santa. The winners are in fact Alessandra Salvi and Andrea Saksida, husband and wife. Third and fourth places too go to the Saksidas, with Ryan and Loris Romano.
The winners of the individual categories are Stellan Meinel (PICI-PICE), Loris Romano Saksida (MULI-MULE), Erika Ridolfi (MULONI-MULONE), Alessandra Salvi (MATI-BABE), Gianpaolo "Cesira" Carini (VECE BOBE-VECE MARANTIGHE) ), Claudio Sepin (ETERNI-ETERNE). Mattia Montenesiwas awarded the first prize in the MULETS-MULETE category ad honorem, to commemorate his unfortunate untimely death and honor his memory.
All the winners of the 10th edition of the Rampigada Santa together with those of the 14th Olympiad of the Clanfe, will be awarded on Saturday 4th December at the SPIZ headquarters in Matteotti Street 20/a in Trieste. Obviously in full compliance with the anti-pandemic regulations in force.
This concludes this event, which has always been dedicated to promoting sustainable mobility, wishing everyone a 2022 edition again and finally live.

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SPIZ Associazione di Promozione Sociale

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SPIZ è una Associazione di Promozione Sociale (A.P.S.) riconosciuta a livello istituzionale (Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022 - ex iscrizione n.572 al Registro Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia delle Associazioni di Promozione Sociale con Decreto n.8/CULT dell'8 gennaio 2016).

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