Monon Behavior
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Stabilment in top five saggistic book from november 2009 to maj 2010
published on November 2009
ristampated on November 2010
3000 copie venduted :)
Cossa ghe xe inside:
Diego Manna, Andrea Pecile and Mauro Vascotto
Abstract: Our research deeply analyses the triestin endemism of the clanfa, a behavior used by mulones to produce the biggest schizz. We describe all the different clanfa techniques and divide them in differclasses. We found that also two other big tuff endemisms, the bomba americana and the kamituff, can be categorized using the same classes. Our results indicate that all these different behavioral patterns of a male agonistic behavior are specializations used to attirar the attention of the local female fauna, and have a great weight on triestins' sexual selection that do not depend only by the skizz produced.
Diego Manna
Abstract: As many person said that the use of triestin language is caling, we have monitored some places to evaluate if this is true. We have divided the population in different classes of age and we also have made distinction between female and male. Our results apparently seem to confirm the preoccupations of the old crodigs, that brontola che i tempi xe cambiai. As a secondary result we found an important endemism previously unnoticed, the patocking.
Diego Manna
Abstract: The portatil ethilometre seems to be a very useful diavolereea to monitor your breath alcohol value and to know when you have to stop drinking if you want to save your patent. However some persons say that its results are not so affidable. In this study we test a portatil ethilometre of a mark that no ve diremo per evitar pupoli, registering the breath alcohol values of a mulo and a mula during a dinner. This image is only given on pagament.
This is one of the spinazing tactics we have imparated.
Diego Manna
Abstract: In this time of crisis, two population of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region zerc of arrangiars as they can. In this study we analyzed the triestin way to rangiars, the spinazing, a behavior characterized by the presence of a lot of tactics to reesparmiar, called istrianisms. We compared triestin and furlan societies to understand the evolution of the different reactions to the crisis.
Diego Manna, Andrea Pecile and Michele Zazzara
Abstract: The city of Triest is the city of muli and mule, a thing that always leaves the forestis a little bit confused. However, the triestin mularia is very composite and needs to be well categorized to describe it in piena. In this study we propose a preliminary classification of the triestin male fauna to help people to distinguish between a nagana, a boba, a bobana, a cagainbraghe and a legera.
Diego Manna and Alberto Krebel
Abstract: One of the great problem of the young couples is to find a place where infraskar themselves without problems. In Triest, the mularia uses to go in camporela in a very nice environment, the Carso. However, the excessive cementification and the explosion of ceenghials population are making the lifes of the young sporcaciones very difficult. In this study we analyze some of the best Carso camporeling places.
Diego Manna
Abstract: As there are a loto of clanfa techniques, it is very probable that each balnear stabiliment is populated by mulones with a particular predisposition for one particular technique. In this study we will try to understand where the clanfa taconeti, the clanfa jolly, the kamikaze, the mortaio ecc. are mostly performed.
Our bottanic expert illustrates us 12 important bottanic species.
Strazakawey: The strazakawey is a subspecies of the strazacavei (Arctium lappa), but is more powerful and its fruit can substain a lot of Kg. [...] The secc fruits of the plant are used by mulettis to play war games and to launch sardones to the mulettes. Pay attention that some plants are so powerful that some small children can easily rest incastrated or sospes in air. There is an important variant of the strazakawey, the strazakappaway (arctium lappa subsp. macistis var. k-way), that is even more powerful and have uncinos so evoluted that can attack all type of substrates, even lisc substrates like that of the kappaway. This variant is very pericolous because if it grows on the border of a road, it can easily stop a car running. The police is studying a method to use this variant during their inseguiments.
la rivista sciementifica internazionale MONON BEHAVIOR ci prega di rispondere al seguente questionario totalmente anonimo e anomalo e a darne massima diffusione!
Per favor rispondè ai cinque punti del questionario qua sotto che automaticamente vegnerà spedì al Dipartimento Sciementifico de MONON BEHAVIOR.
Dei! Dei! Dei! Ghe servi per un importantisimo studio sula CLANFA!
Grazie Mile!

Very Expensiv,
MONON BEHAVIOR's researchers need your help for an important study on the georeferentiation and socialreferen­tiation of the CLANFA ENDEMISM.
Please compil the questionary below that automaticament will send to MONON BEHAVIOR's Scientific Department to give them these informations.
Fingers! Fingers! Fingers! This serve to an important study about CLANFA!
Thanks Thousend!
te son femina o mas'cio?
quanti ani te ga?
rion de apartenenza
posto dove te và al bagno
(ausonia, topolin numero x, bivio, filtri, ecc.)
tipo de tuffo performato
per aprofondir le categorie: MONON BEHAVIOR, strucar sul mulo superman. ma sicuro savè za tuto ;)
a che categoria triestina te apartien?
(mulon, nagana, boba, bobana, legera, tara, gencon, buloto, marzo, sbregà, carigà, bubez, pikerin, pampel, lole, piosem, vanzador, moco­loso, CTF type pataton...)
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SPIZ è una Associazione di Promozione Sociale (A.P.S.) riconosciuta a livello istituzionale (Iscrizione al Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore (RUNTS) con Decreto n°2691/GRFVG del 20 maggio 2022 - ex iscrizione n.572 al Registro Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia delle Associazioni di Promozione Sociale con Decreto n.8/CULT dell'8 gennaio 2016).

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