14ª Olimpiade dele Clanfe 2021
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The Clanfe Olympics crowns Queen and King 2021

The fourteenth edition of the Clanfe Olympics ends with a family victory: Queen and King of Clanfe 2021 are in fact mother and son.

Alessandra Salvi and Ryan Saksida are the winners of the 2021 edition of the Clanfe Olympics, which took place exclusively online.
For the first time in history, the "golden clanfa" of King and Queen end up in a single house: Alessandra and Ryan are in fact mother and son.
If we add the success in the Mati category of dad Andrea Saksida, and in the Muli category of Loris Romano Saksida, the golden clanfa family can be said to be complete.
Sixty-five participants in total, once again the "virtual" format proved to be an excellent choice, given the dark times for gatherings and live events.
The videos sent by the competitors showed a remarkable imagination in how to exploit the opportunity to dive from particular locations or to create real sketches almost worthy of an Oscar nomination.
In fact, the performance of Clapa WLF (W la F… elicità), a real television series dedicated to the old Mortal Kombat video game, will go down in the annals, with even a dedicated website. After the canonical invitation "Choose your clanfador", you can in fact watch performances by WLF members, who have always been among the witty groups of the Olympics. Among them are the kamikaze, the white whale, the taconeti, the taiaerba, the American bomb, el vecio, el prof, and the ever-present mona, for whom game over is inevitable. The Morbin Special Prize goes to them.
Then there are those who have taken this freedom to the extreme, by registering unlikely corkscrews or superheroes, which forced the organizers to establish a new category for them, called VIP or Very Invented People.
There was no shortage of heart-pounding dives. Above all, the one that was worth the gold in the UFO category to Luca Benes, who jumped from the seventeen-meters of the Kanal bridge in Slovenia.
Only a few meters further down was Erika Ridolfi, winner of the Mulone category.
From far below, instead, comes the winner of the Pici category, the Majorcan Marc Pozo Manna, who brings the tradition of the clanfa to the Balearic Islands.
Gold in the Mulete category goes to Teresa Sofia Blaskovic.
As mentioned, Andrea Saksida excels among the Mati and his son Loris Romano among the Muli.
Finally, among the Vece Bobe the stainless Guido Giadrossi is reconfirmed champion.
The infamous Clanfa de Legno goes to Stefano Tornelli, who will have to bear the burden for a whole year.
The Special Prize dedicated to the unforgettable Jure Polonio goes ex-aequo to Marco Zorzi and Fabio Pizzinato from Padua.
All rankings are visible on the website https://www.spiz.it/.
The official prize-giving ceremony for all winning competitors will be held after the conclusion of the Rampigada Santa, the other event organized by the SPIZ Social Promotion Association.
Queen and King of Clanfe 2021, however, will be able to enjoy a foretaste of the celebrations as early as Friday 3rd September at 5 pm at the Ausonia bathing establishment during the event organized by the Teatro Stabile La Contrada of Trieste for the presentation and installation of the Monument for Triestine Diver, work by Aldo Giannotti and Pablo Chiereghin, when the artist Paola Ramella will present them with one of her works.

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